
We accompany you in the process to obtain certifications that generate benefits for your company, from tax to customs and logistics.

IMMEX and PROSEC Program

Grow your operations and establish new headquarters

Authorization of new IMMEX program

Opening and deregistration of address

Extension of registration of sub-manufatcuring companies

Extension to import sensitive goods


IVA and IEPS Certification

We advise you on meeting the requirements and accessing a 100% tax credit on import duties for the temporary importation of goods for manufacturing or export

Comprehensive consulting on IVA and IEPS Certification

Accompaniment visit before the AGACE authority

Renewal request via VUCEM

Diagnostic visit for VAT and IEPS

IVA and IEPS monitoring

Submission of compliance notice in accordance with the rule 7.2.1, via VUCEM

Authorization of sensitive tariff items based on file 118 / LA

Analysis for requirement completion (suspension and/or cancellation processes)

Document submission to the official filing office


OEA Certification

We help you identify and mitigate risks in the security of your supply chain

Comprehensive consulting in OEA Certification

Accompaniment visit before the AGACE authority

Renewal request via VUCEM

OEA diagnostic visit

OEA monitoring

Analysis and update of the company’s profile

Analysis for requirement completion (suspension and/or cancellation processes)

Submission of compliance notice in accordance with the rule 7.2.1

Document submission to the official filing office

Audit of business partners under C-TPAT/AEO

Risk analysis using 5 STEPS/ ISO 31010 methodology

Mutual recognition service
